Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Whole New World

It has been a whole new world with my Jenny. She is ready to get up and go. She finally started sleeping through the night, she takes a brief morning nap and about an hour and half afternoon nap. Sounds normal huh!! THAT IS THE AMAZING thing to me!!! It is so strange how quickly it is like I have this baby who I no longer am worried about 24/7. I can actually sleep mostly through the night too. I still wake to check if she is breathing but I do not get out of bed to check I watch until I see the blanket move and go back to sleep from my bed. I am assuming this breathing check with go away at some point. It is awesome watching her start to grab for things for hours and not get worn out. She can play on the floor for hours seeing how many toys she can get wrapped around her arm..LOL she is sooo funny. I am getting excited with the new spoon feeding progress and for her to sit up on her own and so on. But I am taking in every moment trying not to miss anything. It has felt like we have had a newborn for 7 months and I really do not want to rest to go by so fast I miss a step. Thanks to everyone for the prayers. I really thought the anxious feeling in my chest would never leave but Peace and Rest are here. I watched my daughter tackle this surgery like it was nothing, with joy and with ease. So I am a proud mommy of a little girl stronger then I think I can ever be!!

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