Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jenny is doing great!

Jenny is doing so great. She has had some blood pressure issues but that is normal according to the doctors. They have her on blood pressure meds and she is back to normal. She will get the chest tubes out tomorrow for sure and will be moved to a regular room. She is off all pain meds just Tylenol as needed. Today she has only needed it twice. She is an amazingly tough little girl. I got very broken up about an hour ago because straight down the hall a little kiddo coded and everyone was rushing in that room. I am very thankful that it was not our little girl and very upset for that family. I can not even begin to imagine. Tomorrow Joe and I are going to join the Parents Project and go do some arts and crafts and meet other PICU families. Everyone is so shocked at how good Jenny is doing and even though the amount of time expect to recover is 7 to 10 days.. they wonder why she is still here. She will either go home on day 6 or 7 depending on how well she does getting her chest tubes out. Well as usual, I will keep you updated.

Jenny's first sort of smile~~

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