Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Surgery Day

We were all geared up for the surgery today. We went through the early morning process, got her checked in, the family that came and gave their hugs and kisses and off she went with the surgeons. About two hours later we call to check on her because we have not heard anything. The Family care person comes to tell us the surgeon wants to see us. Of coarse I think.. he was not suppose to come and see us yet??? So I get nervous... Well it turns out after getting Jenny sedated that a code blue patient came in the ER and they had to tend to that child and that child was going to take all day to work on. So they were going to begin waking Jenny and sending us to a room to wait for her surgery to be done on Thursday or Friday. UGH.. We are here stuck in the hospital waiting for her surgery still. She has woken up fine and is now resting like the angel she is and Daddy and I are pooped emotionally and physically since we have been up since 3:45 AM.. Good night all and I shall keep you updated.


Anonymous said...

Stephanie, sounds like you guys did have a very emotional day. I hope the other baby's situation turned out okay. I'm very much in awe of you and how strong you are being for Jenny. I'm glad you have your family to lean on.

Seister2 said...

Thank you!! I know it is only by so many people praying because my husband and I are so at peace through it all. We just know that God has had this little girl in His hands since the beginning and we are just getting front row seats to what He will do in her life.