Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jenny is doing great!

Jenny is doing so great. She has had some blood pressure issues but that is normal according to the doctors. They have her on blood pressure meds and she is back to normal. She will get the chest tubes out tomorrow for sure and will be moved to a regular room. She is off all pain meds just Tylenol as needed. Today she has only needed it twice. She is an amazingly tough little girl. I got very broken up about an hour ago because straight down the hall a little kiddo coded and everyone was rushing in that room. I am very thankful that it was not our little girl and very upset for that family. I can not even begin to imagine. Tomorrow Joe and I are going to join the Parents Project and go do some arts and crafts and meet other PICU families. Everyone is so shocked at how good Jenny is doing and even though the amount of time expect to recover is 7 to 10 days.. they wonder why she is still here. She will either go home on day 6 or 7 depending on how well she does getting her chest tubes out. Well as usual, I will keep you updated.

Jenny's first sort of smile~~

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day

Well tomorrow we will actually get this surgery done. Jenny does not seem to be nervous at all (LOL). Daddy and I are just getting through today before the reality sets in again and they start preparing her for surgery. She has an Upper GI this morning and they found she has Reflux so she has some new meds for that. Other then that we are just chillin and trying to get through today. Here are some other pics of Jenny while we wait in the hospital.

Grammy and Jenny

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Surgery Day

We were all geared up for the surgery today. We went through the early morning process, got her checked in, the family that came and gave their hugs and kisses and off she went with the surgeons. About two hours later we call to check on her because we have not heard anything. The Family care person comes to tell us the surgeon wants to see us. Of coarse I think.. he was not suppose to come and see us yet??? So I get nervous... Well it turns out after getting Jenny sedated that a code blue patient came in the ER and they had to tend to that child and that child was going to take all day to work on. So they were going to begin waking Jenny and sending us to a room to wait for her surgery to be done on Thursday or Friday. UGH.. We are here stuck in the hospital waiting for her surgery still. She has woken up fine and is now resting like the angel she is and Daddy and I are pooped emotionally and physically since we have been up since 3:45 AM.. Good night all and I shall keep you updated.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Another Day

I was able to stay home with my little girl today! She has pretty much wanted me to hold her all day, sleeping for only 30 mins or so when I lay her down and then we start over. I have loved it!! I needed a day to do nothing else but hold my girl and talk and play with her. She is amazing. We have 5 more days until her surgery.. I am trying my best to not get anxious and just rest knowing God has this but the thought of her having to go through this is hard to face. I have no doubt she will go through this and heal quickly. It is just the going through it and anticipating getting on the other side of this mountain. I know we will all make it through stronger for just having gone through it. Please keep us in your prayers.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This is how I feel right now.. Exhausted and cozy at home. I had a rough day at work. I was very emotionaly challenged today. The hits just would not stop coming. I am very overwhelmed with work and awaiting Jenny's surgery. But there is nothing like having a bad day and coming home to a hubby that has cooked you dinner and daughter smiling so big the moment she sees you. Somehow it melts the anxiety completely away.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Each Day a Reminder

It is a blessing to have a reminder each day of the fragility of life. Jenny has taught me how to look at the truely important things in life. Those things being, loving God and trusting Him, surrounding yourself with those who love you no matter what, and letting all the rest come and go as it will. I can not express the strength this little miracle shows me everyday. I feel so weak next to her. On just about a weekly basis she has blood drawn, x-ray's done (she actually loves this one), and has to be tested for urine infections by being catherterized.

After all she has to go through she will smile at the doctors or nurses or lab tech who had to do these things to her. Every where she goes people are shocked at her ability to be so joyful and peaceful through this all. When she is hospitalized the nurses from the whole floor will come to see her because they say she is the happiest baby in there. Like I said she has shown me such strength that I am in awe. Maybe you will think I am crazy but I see the compassion she already has for others in so many ways. She looks with concern on the TV if she hears someone crying or someone who seems sad she will give them a quick smile. My husband and I are truely in awe of this amazing little girl who, as most children do, is teaching us more then I think we will really ever teach her.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Well this picture says it all. Since I last blogged I have gotten married and had a baby girl. Her name is Jennifer and she has been a miracle all the way around. First of all my doctor told me for years he was not sure how easy it would be for me to have a baby due to two surgeries for endometriosis. About four months into the pregnancy I almost miscarried but Jennifer hung on miraculously. The day after she was born we learned about something brand new and I am not talking about how to change a diaper but we learned about Tetrology of Fallot. My daughter had a hole in her heart. Jenny has had a heart cath and it showed that not only did she have a hole in her heart but also was born without her pulmonary artery. She has a duct that remained open at birth that is providing blood to her lungs. Amazingly enough she has done so much better then her doctors have expected and is just about ready for her open heart surgery to repair her defect. She will have to have several surgeries over her lifetime but I do not doubt that God will completely show off in her life as He is already doing. It has been a journey that has brought my husband and myself so much closer to each other and to God so already miracles are developing out of my baby girls life. She is an instrument of Joy and Peace and I am blessed that God is letting me be apart of her life.