Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Struggle Within

Paul talks about this struggle in Romans. We've all heard or read the confusing passage where he talks about doing what he does not want to do but not being able to do what he wants to do. It is the age old battle we all fight within. It seems there is this destiny, or promise lying within us that we feel we are to accomplish yet the things we need to do to actually accomplish that destiny seem lost to us. Maybe this doesn't make sense to anyone but me. But I feel I have this promise, calling or destiny (whatever you want to call it) and I so desperately want to achieve this promise! The question is how do I get from where I am in my day to day to where the promise is?? I have heard it said that what you do today will determine your tomorrow. I know it is in the baby steps, the planting seeds, but sometimes that promise, that destiny, seems so far from who and where you are. Sometimes it feels like you made it all up somehow in your mind. Well, I will keep you updated on how this destiny/promise plays out. I have my fingers crossed!! God Bless

1 comment:

MorningSong said...

picture is so cute!! I think we can all relate to this!!!