Tuesday, June 19, 2007

For my Dear Seister

I switched to be more family friendly! I do blog on myspace but I must admit my seister has made this blogging site seem so much more fun. So this one is for your dear Seister!! :o)


MorningSong said...

You did send me the link to find you!! B/c you were logged in when you commented I clicked on your name and it led me to you. Go girl!! I am proud of you. Keep playing around with your blog and you will learn a ton. I can help fill you in on adding photos that link to stuff but it really is trial and error. If you go to the Dashboard page and click help and read some questions others have you will learn more than anything else. Welcome aboard!!

MorningSong said...

why doesn't the title of this post show on your blog? that is weird.

Seister2 said...

I think I did it wrong.. I am going to edit it??

MorningSong said...

Much better!! What is THAT photo? When was it taken?? haha

Glad you are playing along. I emailed you some stuff. Also try Faith lifts on my blog. Non-mommy stuff.